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Damson Poets

Damson Poets don’t have a meeting in December so our Christmas event is on the last Wednesday in November.

This year we will be having a Secret Stanza. The idea is that you send me one poem that someone else will then read on the night as part of their usual 5 minute slot. So please keep your poem to under 40 lines.

I will print out and mark and fold the Secret Stanza poem and place in a hat to be drawn out at random. You will know your mark so you don’t draw your own.

We will leave some time at the start of the evening so you can familiarise yourself with the Stanza poem you have drawn.

There will be normal 5 minute slots for those who do not wish to join in.

Email your Secret Stanza poems to me at:     or

November 23

The John Otway Band

November 29

Burn - Tribute to Deep Purple